Our opinion on ArcheAge and its gameplay
According to the wishes of the game’s developers, ArcheAge has been designed as a sandbox. This concept allows the gamer to lead his own path and to perform the actions he wants. Thus, ArcheAge does not order a precise progression since each player can do what he wants and remains totally free in his actions.
The game map is huge, like the game World of Warcraft for example. The three continents give the player the possibility to explore without any limits. The player can also explore the oceans in order to fight sea battles, for example to find a lot of treasure.
The main features of Archeage
- Universe: The realisation is well done and neat. However, we regret the fact that many areas are almost entirely deserted. There are also some collision bugs. As for the cinematics of Archeage, they are magnificent and engaging.
- Scenario: The scenario is good but remains linear and without any surprise. We regret the lack of originality. Indeed, the war between races and the bad balance of the world is a classic in the fantasy MMO.
- Playability: The gameplay is the same as any good Korean MMO. Thus, it can get boring quite quickly for many gamers. Moreover, the subscriber status will quickly punish gamers who do not want to pay. As for the fights, they are fluid and well done. Finally, a big highlight concerning the gameplay is the fact that you can design your own class.
- Sound: The sound is very good and immerses the player in the game. However, the quest dialogue scenes are unfortunately not dubbed. In fact, they are only written. The sound effects are also excellent.
- Lifespan: The number of hours in Archeage is enormous. Thus, the lifespan is not a problem. The downside is the huge wait to get crafting points without putting money in the wallet. This can tire many gamers out very quickly.
Our conclusion on Archeage
ArcheAge is a good MMORPG but certainly not the best on the market. The big weakness of the game is that not all players are equal. Moreover, the concept of huge European servers is not the idea of the century, especially considering the quality of the community. Indeed, a lot of insults take place on them. However, the software is beautiful, especially in the cities since they are splendid and grandiose. As for the content, it is varied, with fluid gameplay and skill trees worked. Thus, the title would have deserved to be more developed on many points.