New free-to-play server for Allods
Let’s have a look at the latest news of Allods, the famous MMORPG, with the 8.0 update. In order to have a more precise opinion on the game, don’t hesitate to consult our test on Allods. The creators of Allods are now offering a new free-to-play server. This one will allow beginners as well as veteran players to (re)launch themselves into the adventure. This new server will provide you with a new base where you can easily evolve. This will make it easier for you to catch up with other players instead of trying your hand at a long-standing server. This new server will be available at the same time as Patch 8. 0, which we will discuss next. In the meantime, all players are invited to suggest names for the server. The most inventive players will receive many gifts. You are therefore invited to participate and discover Allods Online again!
New features for Allods
With the 8.0 update, this MMORPG is getting a new expansion and therefore many new features. Amongst other things, a new race is available, the eighth playable race: the Aedes. As a player, you will also discover new playgrounds called Allods. Indeed, islands born from a huge cataclysm are now available. You can discover these new Astral Allods from level 23 onwards; adventurers and explorers, you’ll just have to join your friends! In addition to their guild, players will now have the opportunity to join one of three new Orders. Orders are inter-server alliances whose origin is a mystery in this new expansion. However, joining an Order will allow you toobtain numerous rewards in daily challenges.
Update 8.0 for Allods
In order to retain players and attract new ones, Update 8.0 introduces an eighth character race that you will be able to play as: the Aedes. They are a mystical people, connected to nature and other planes. They have the power to control the mobility of their opponents, i.e. to freeze their opponents and/or alter their environment in order to exchange places. They also have the ability to heal or improve themselves and their allies. This update also offers a change in low-level content in terms of PvP and PvE. These changes make it easier for newcomers to integrate and progress. As far as the retention of existing players is concerned, the developer has chosen a common technique of offering daily content. As we have seen before, this new extension integrates Orders. These are a new type of organisation parallel to the guilds, complete and thanks to which your character will easily evolve by carrying out daily quests.
The new 8.0 update takes into account the aspect of beginners as well as veteran players by offering content capable of keeping them loyal. Indeed, it allows beginners not to be left behind and veterans not to be bored. This new expansion promises a great game!