Presentation of Crossout
The story of Crossout takes you to a world where only violence exists. Indeed, following an infection, men started to have hallucinations and suffered from violent headaches. The survivors of this infection now have only one thing on their minds: war. You will be in the role of a soldier who will customise his vehicle, in order to be the winner. Many tools are at your disposal: spare parts, weapons, accessories, etc. Modify your vehicle as you wish, in order to face other players in the arena. Crossout is a game developed by Targem Game. It takes you to a world of war, there is no real story or plot. You will be in control of armed vehicles, with which you will have to blow everything up !
Features of Crossout
- Gameplay:
When you take your first steps in Crossout, you will be in control of a simple vehicle consisting only of three machine guns. These are ideal for killing your first opponents, but that’s not the point. Indeed, you will find that the vehicle’s handling is not obvious. It will take you some time to get used to controlling your vehicle properly. In addition, the gameplay is still good. However, there is one big drawback: the menus are very cluttered and therefore not at all ergonomic. It will take you several hours to master the essentials of the vehicle customisation system.
- Graphics:
Crossout has reappropriated the visual aspect found in the Mad Max series. Indeed, the modelling of the vehicles is persuasive, as is the general quality of the environments. However, some textures are neglected, a disadvantage that is quickly forgotten thanks to the richness of the visual effects.
- Sound:
As far as the soundtrack is concerned, the musical themes have been very well selected as they obviously relate to the post-apocalyptic atmosphere of the game. However, it feels like the same music is repeated over and over again.
- Player vs. Player mode:
Crossout allows you to battle against other players in an arena. The winner of the battle can earn experience points and money. Experience points can be used to unlock new items to modify your vehicle. The game is still being tested, so there is only a PvP mode, i.e. eight-on-eight battles.
Our conclusion on Crossout
In conclusion, Crossout is a nice game. However, it is not developed enough to keep us in suspense for several hours. Moreover, the game does not have a single player version on consoles. Thus, it lacks exclusivity for home consoles. So, don’t hesitate to download the game thanks to top-mmorpg !