Shakes and Fidget

Presentation of Shakes and Fidget

Shakes and Fidget is a free point-and-click browser-based MMO. It was designed by the Playa Games group. A multitude of quests,humour and addictive PvP battles await you in the MMORPG Shakes and Fidget. Shakes and Fidget is an MMO with a unique comic book style that gives it its own visual identity. The first step is to design your character, which you can customise extensively in areas such as the appearance of your nose or the colour of your skin. Once you have designed your character, you will need to open an account.

This MMO is divided into two distinct parts. The first part is about completing quests and the second part is about battling against other players in the arena.

One of the interesting aspects of the game is the omnipresent humour in the dialogues as well as the animations. The MMORPG is very reminiscent of comic books, both visually and in terms of the universe. The visual style is one of the game’s strong points.

Shakes & Fidget - Official Gameplay Trailer EN

Quests and gameplay of Skakes and Fidget

Every day on your browser in Skakes and Fidget, you can do as many quests as you want, as long as your thirst gauge allows it. This gauge decreases by a certain percentage depending on the mission. It can be refilled up to 10 times a day when the tavern keeper gives you a drink. In addition, each mission in the game has a travel time, during which you cannot do anything. Once this time is up, you have to fight a monster. If you succeed in eliminating it, it will giveyouexperience and money.

Now let’s talk about one of the main weak points of the game in terms of gameplay: the moves. Indeed, these can be rather long. Unfortunately, you won’t have much influence on the fights, which will be left to chance. To compensate for the long travel time, there are however mounts that offer the possibility to optimize the travel time.

The different characteristics of your character change according to your wealth. In Shakes and Fidget, they will always cost you a gradual amount of coins for each point you spend. Another point to note: Critical hits are redefined each time for each level. This is the most expensive feature as you will have to reposition yourself at the desired rate each time you go up. However, the guard will be able to make you work against payment. Be aware that the working time in the game is quite long. In addition, the equipment will optimise your abilities. Finally, it is important to know that each time you exceed a threshold, you will unlock an achievement that will optimise your various characteristics.

Our conclusion on Shakes and Fidget

You will quickly realise the true nature of Playa Games’ title. Indeed, we advise you to play it preferably during work breaks, as the game content does not allow Shakes and Fidget to be interesting over time. The game is too boring and you have little influence in the fights. However, all this is compensated by an efficient gameplay and above all by really qualitative visuals.

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